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Mountain Living Introductory Course



A rural life experience where you can experience the traditional life of the Yuzugawa area and enjoy interacting with the local people.

*The participation fee includes one-day insurance.

*Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your experience depending on the progress of the farm's work.

Shiitake mushroom harvesting experience

Event period: Late March to late April, early October to November

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 12:30 Gather/Move

13:00-13:30 Shiitake mushroom harvesting workshop

13:30-15:00 Shiitake mushroom harvesting

15:00-15:30 Move and disband

Enjoy fresh shiitake mushrooms by picking them.

You can take home about 500g of the shiitake mushrooms you harvest.


Enjoy freshly picked, juicy shiitake mushrooms grilled over charcoal (1,000 yen per person)

Shiitake mushrooms are sold for 1,000 yen per 500g


Shiitake mushroom log laying experience





   8時 集合・移動(自家用車)

   8時30分~9時 原木伏せ込み講習

   9時~12時 原木伏せ込み作業

   12時~13時 昼食(山の中でお弁当)

   13時~15時30分 原木伏せ込み作業

   15時30分~16時 移動・解散

It's a test of physical strength! Make full use of your muscles! Let's lay down the shiitake mushroom logs.

Arrange them beautifully and enjoy a sense of accomplishment.

Rice planting experience

Event period: May

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 8:00 a.m. Meet and move (private car)

8:30-9:00 Rice planting workshop

9:00-12:00 Rice planting experience (taking breaks as needed)

12:00 Disband

Let's plant rice seedlings in the rice fields in the mountains.

You can take home 1kg of Yuzugawa rice.

*Rice planting shoes will be provided for rental.

Enjoy picking tea leaves in the season of fresh greenery

Event period: Early May

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 12:30 Gather and move (private car)

13:00-15:00 Tea picking, tea leaf roasting, tea rolling experience

15:00-15:30 Sun drying

15:30 Disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

Tea picking and rolling experience.

You can take home about 300g of sun-dried tea leaves.

A real grass cutting experience using a lawnmower

Event period: Mid-May to October

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age range: Junior high school students and above

Itinerary: 7:30am Gather and move (private car)

8:00-8:30 Grass cutting training

8:30-11:30 Grass-cutting experience (taking breaks as needed)

11:30-12:00 Move and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

Master the essential skill of grass cutting for rural life.

Lawn mowers and equipment are available for rental.

Firefly viewing

Event period: June *The event period may vary depending on the firefly situation.

Price: 500 yen/person (tax included)

Schedule: 19:45 Meeting and transfer (with transportation)

8:00pm - 8:45pm Firefly viewing and hunting

8:45pm - 9pm Move and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

A fantastical summer scene. Watching fireflies at Yuzu River, firefly hunting.

Enjoy the climbing hydrangeas that grow in clusters on Mount Yubao

Event period: Mid to late June

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 10:00 a.m. Meeting/movement (private car)

11:00-12:00 Walk around the summit and enjoy the climbing hydrangeas

12:00 Disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

You can enjoy viewing alpine plants such as climbing hydrangeas at Mt. Yubao (1,111m).

Enjoy the Hydrangeas Growing in Massive Blooms on Mount Yubao

Event period: Mid-June to early July

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 10:00 a.m. Meeting/movement (private car)

11:00-12:00 Walk around the summit and enjoy the hydrangeas

12:00 Disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

You can enjoy viewing alpine plants such as hydrangea at Mt. Yubao (1,111m).

Insect collecting

Perfect for your summer vacation independent study!

Event period: Late July to August

Price: 1,000 yen/person (tax included)

Learn about the lives of insects!

Let's actually explore the fields and mountains and meet insects!

You can take home any beetles or stag beetles you catch.

*For more information, click here


Tomato harvesting experience

Enjoy the joy of harvesting tomatoes in Yuzugawa

Event period: Late July to late October

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: (The day before) We will guide you to the tomato house in advance.

(On the day) 15:00-16:00 Tomato harvesting

*The start and end times are approximate. The time may vary depending on the growth status of tomatoes and the farmer's

Depending on the progress of the work, there may be significant changes.

Enjoy the joy of harvesting Yuzugawa tomatoes.

You can eat the tomatoes you harvest right there and then.

Tomato cooking experience

Event period: Late July to late October

Price: 3,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Meeting place: Yushigawa Community Development Activity Center

Schedule: Meet at 11:00

11:00-12:00 Tomato dish making

12:00-13:00 Lunch and end

Let's enjoy Yuzugawa tomatoes.

Lunch was a cooked tomato dish.

Enjoy the beautiful Yuzu River

Safe and fun with lifeguards

Event period: Late July to August

Price: 1,500 yen (tax included) per person

Itinerary: 10:00 Meet and move (on foot)

11:00-14:30 River play

14:30-15:00 Travel (on foot) and check-in

You can splash around in the water on the riverbank in front of the former Yuzugawa Elementary School.

Shiitake mushroom log laying experience

Event period: Early July to late August

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: High school students and above

Duration: [Summer] 4 hours

8:00 Meet and move

8:30-9:00 Laying logs

9:00-11:30: Log laying work

11:30-12:00 Move, lunch, and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

It's a test of physical strength! Make full use of your muscles! Let's lay down the shiitake mushroom logs.

Arrange them beautifully and enjoy a sense of accomplishment.

Yuzugawa Tomato Processing Experience

Event period: Mid-July to late November

Price: 3,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age range: Junior high school students and above

Schedule: Meet at 9:00

9:30-12:00 Tomato processing (washing, cutting)

12:00-13:00 Lunch and break

13:30 Disband

Experience tomato processing with Yuzugawa The Lycopenes. Lunch included.

You can take home 1kg of Yuzugawa tomatoes.


Event period: September to October

Price: 3,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 8:00 a.m. Meet and move (private car)

8:30-9:00 Rice harvesting workshop

9:00-12:00 Rice harvesting experience (taking breaks as needed)

12:00 Disband




Tomato harvesting experience


Event period: Late July to late October

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Duration: 1 hour

*The experience time is a guideline and may vary depending on the growth status of the tomatoes.

This will be based on the farmers' working hours.

You can eat the tomatoes you harvested right there and then.

Chestnut Harvesting Experience

Event period: Mid-August to early October

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 12:30 Gather and move (private car)

13:00-15:00 Chestnut harvesting experience

15:00-16:00 Boiled chestnut tasting

16:00-16:30 Move and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

Gather chestnuts and enjoy the flavors of autumn.

You can take home about 500g of chestnuts that you harvest.


Chestnuts are sold for 600 yen per kilogram.

Yuzugawa Tomato Processing Experience

Event period: Mid-July to late November

Price: 3,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age range: Junior high school students and above

Schedule: Meet at 9:00

9:30-12:00 Tomato processing (washing, cutting)

12:00-13:00 Lunch and break

13:30 Disband

Experience tomato processing with Yuzugawa The Lycopenes. Lunch included.

You can take home 1kg of Yuzugawa tomatoes.

Yuzu harvesting experience

Event period: November

Price: 3,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 12:30 Gather and move (private car)

13:00-15:00 Yuzu harvesting

15:00-15:30 Move and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

Enjoy the harvest surrounded by the refreshing scent of yuzu.

You can take home about 1kg of harvested yuzu.


Yuzu for sale: 1kg for 500 yen.

Yuzu squeezing experience

Event period: November

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Schedule: Meet at 9:00

9:30-12:00 Yuzu squeezing (washing, squeezing)

12:00 Disband

Experience yuzu squeezing with Yuzugawa The Lycopenes.

You can take home about 500ml of yuzu juice.


Yuzu ponzu sauce making experience (1,000 yen/person, tax included)

You can take home some homemade yuzu ponzu sauce made with freshly squeezed yuzu juice.

Experience harvesting green tomatoes and cleaning up the field

Event period: Late November to mid-December

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 9:00 a.m. Meet and move (private car)

9:30-10:30 Harvesting green tomatoes

10:30-12:00 Field cleanup work

12:00-13:00 Travel and lunch (bring your own lunch)

13:30-15:00 Experience making pickled green tomatoes (Yusukawa Specialty Products Factory)

15:00~ Move and disband

Harvesting green tomatoes in late autumn and cleaning up the field.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to try making pickled tomatoes using green tomatoes.

You can take home the pickled tomatoes you make.


Green tomatoes for sale: 1kg for 100 yen.


Overlooking the sea of clouds

Event period: December

Price: 500 yen/person (tax included)

Itinerary: 7:00am gathering and transfer (with shuttle service)

7:15-7:45 Viewing the sea of clouds

7:45-8:00 Move and disband

A seasonal winter sight on the Yuzu River.

Let's get up early and go see the sea of clouds.

*Please note that the sea of clouds may not be visible depending on the weather.

Experience splitting firewood

Event period: December to March

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: High school students and above

Duration: about 30 minutes Firewood splitting training

Approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes Firewood splitting experience (taking breaks at appropriate times)

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

Only in the mountains can you chop firewood, it's a test of physical strength.


You can take home a few kilos of firewood after splitting it.

(You can have a bonfire in the guesthouse garden.)


Use bamboo to create a one-of-a-kind bamboo craft

Event period: December to March

Price: 3,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 12:30 Gather and move (private car)

13:00-13:30 Bamboo craft class

13:30-16:00: Making art

16:00-16:30 Move and disband

Experience making bamboo crafts using bamboo.

You can take home your completed work.

Chestnut tree pruning experience

Event period: Mid-January to late February

Price: 2,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 12:30 Gather and move (private car)

13:00-13:30 Chestnut tree pruning training course

13:30-16:00 Pruning work

16:00-16:30 Move and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

Learn how to prune chestnut trees from a professional.

Log-grown Shiitake Mushroom Planting Experience

Event period: Mid-February to early May

Price: 4,000 yen/person (tax included)

Age: Elementary school students and above

Itinerary: 9:00 a.m. Meet and move (private car)

9:30-10:00 Shiitake mushroom planting training

10:00-12:00 Planting work

12:00-13:30 Move and disband

*The event will be canceled in the event of rain.

On the fertile mountains, shiitake mushroom spores are planted on trees such as sawtooth oak, which serve as the source material for shiitake mushrooms.

You will be able to take home one log planted with shiitake mushrooms.


Shiitake mushroom logs for sale. Each log is sold for 1,500 yen.




Reservations made through the official website are more economical and convenient.

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