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ご宿泊当日までに下記項目をお目通しのうえ、「 同意する」を押して必要事項をご入力ください。


Pet Accommodation Agreement

I understand and agree to abide by the following precautions when staying with pets.

Pet Accommodation Conditions

Regarding small dogs

  1. Guests may bring into the facility only small dogs that meet all of the following criteria (hereinafter referred to as "small dogs"), up to two per group. However, small dogs may not enter any facility other than the designated guest room 3 (within the pet circle) without the consent of the facility.

    1. Small dogs weighing less than 10kg

    2. The guest must have received both a rabies vaccination and a five or more mixed vaccine within one year from the date of stay.

    3. Not in heat, menstruating, pregnant or sick

    4. The dog must not have a tendency to bite or show excessive aggression, must have basic discipline, and must follow commands such as staying still and being called back.

    5. Must be microchipped or tagged

  2. When bringing small dogs into the facility, guests must observe the following items.

    1. Reservations are limited to the entire building.

    2. Small dogs must be kept in the enclosure provided.

    3. Please transport your pet by carrying it on your lap or in a carrier bag.

    4. Please do not leave small dogs in your room as we are not a pet hotel.

    5. Wipe your small dog's paws clean.

    6. Please dispose of any loose hair, excrement, trash, etc. at your own responsibility and take them with you when you leave.

    7. Must be accompanied by an adult who is able to properly control small dogs.

    8. In addition to the above, you must also observe the terms of use of each facility, precautions, and requests from the facility and staff.

  3. When accompanying small dogs, Customers must comply with the following items in addition to paragraphs 1 and the preceding paragraph:

    1. Please submit and present the following documents (a), (b), or (c) before or on the day of your stay.

      1. (a) A copy of a certificate of vaccination against five or more types of combined vaccine administered within one year of the date of stay

      2. (a) A copy of a rabies vaccination certificate or rabies vaccination certificate issued within one year of the date of stay

      3. (c) If the above vaccinations have not been administered due to certain circumstances, you must submit a certificate of postponement and a medical certificate issued by a veterinarian.

    2. Take measures to eliminate fleas and ticks on small dogs.

    3. Please refrain from bringing small dogs into the facility, including bathtubs, bedding, linens, and other fixtures and fittings.

    4. In addition to the above, you must also observe the terms of use of each facility, precautions, and requests from the facility and staff.

  4. Please note that you are responsible for resolving any accidents, injuries or problems that occur regarding your small dog. Our facility will not bear any responsibility whatsoever.

  5. If a small dog brought by a Customer causes loss, damage or soiling of any facility buildings, equipment or fixtures within the Facility, the Customer will be required to pay compensation for such damages.

  6. If a guest or small dog violates these terms, the facility may terminate the accommodation agreement with respect to the guest or small dog.

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